Plot: Fifteen months after the zombie apocalypse, and a group of survivors are forced to take refuge in an abandoned school, where they discover a mysterious zombie with the power to bring the undead back to life.
Genre: Horror
IMDB Rating: 2.6/10 from 243 users
Directed by: Jake Hawkins, Andy Phelps
Starring: Eric Colvin, Jim Sweeney, Danny Brown
Release Name: Zombie.Resurrection.2014.BDRip.x264-NOSCREENS
Size: 705 MB
Video: MKV | 720 x 404 | 1042 kbps
Audio: English | AAC | 128 kbps
Runtime: 1h 26mn
Subtitles: N/A
Samples: Video @ #1 – #2 – #3
Links: iMDB | Trailer | NFO | Torrent Search